Teams are listed with their current name (highlighted
in yellow) or with the last name before their disappearance (highlighted in green).
Any previous name with which the team has participated in European competitions
is shown in parentheses.
1937 Dinamo, 1954 Spartak, 1963 Ararat, 2003 expelled
from the league, 2004 Lernagorts-Ararat FA Kapan (+ Lernagorts Kapan) =>
Lernagorts-Ararat FA Kapan, 2004 Ararat FA Kapan, 2004 Ararat FA Yerevan, 2006
dissolved and re-formed as Ararat FA Yerevan from Ararat-2 FA Yerevan (in the
USSR League until 1990); at the 1st level in the Armenian League in
the 2023/24 season; ground: Rudolf-Harbig-Stadion; colours: white-black.
USR02 - FK CHORNOMORETS ODESA (Chernomorets Odessa) (UKR01)
1936 Dinamo, 1940 Pishchevik, 1941 Spartak, 1944
Pishchevik, 1953 Metallurg, 1955 Pishchevik, 1958 Chernomorets Odessa, 1989 FK
Chernomorets Odessa, 1991 FK Chornomorets Odesa (in the Ukrainian League since
1991); at the 1st level in the Ukrainian League in the 2023/24
season; ground: Stadion Chornomorets; colours: dark blue.
1911 OLLS (Obshchestvo Lyubitelei Lyzhnogo Sporta),
1923 OPPV (Orytno Pokazatelnaya Ploshchadka Vseobucha), 1924 OPPV (Orytno
Pokazatelnaya Ploshchadka Voenveda), 1928 CDKA (Centralnyi Dom Krasnoi Armii),
1941 Krasnaya Armia, 1942 CDKA (Centralnyi Dom Krasnoi Armii), 1951 CDSA
(Centralnyi Dom Sovetskoi Armii), 1957 CSK-MO (Centranyi Sportovnyi Klub
Ministerstva Oborony), 1960 CSKA (Centralnyi Sportivnyi Klub Armii), 1991 FK
CSKA, 2000 PFK (Professionalnyi Futbolnyi Klub) CSKA (in the Russian League
since 1991); at the 1st level in the Russian League in the 2023/24
season; ground: Arena CSKA; colours: red-blue.
USR04 - FK DYNAMO KYIV (Dinamo Kiev) (UKR02)
1927 Dinamo Kiev, 1989 FK Dinamo Kiev, 1991 FK Dynamo
Kyiv (in the Ukrainian League since 1991); at the 1st level in the
Ukrainian League in the 2023/24 season; ground: NSK Olympiyskyi; colours:
USR05 - FK DYNAMA MINSK (Dinamo Minsk) (BLS01)
1927 Dinamo Minsk, 1954 Spartak Minsk, 1960 Belarus
Minsk, 1963 Dinamo Minsk, 1991 FK Dinamo Mensk, 1999 FK Dynama (in the
Belarussian League since 1991); at the 1st level in the Belarussian
League in the 2023 season; ground: Dynama Stadyen; colours: blue.
MOSKVA (Dinamo
Moskva) (RUS02)
1923 Dinamo, 1989 FK Dinamo (in the Russian League
since 1991); at the 1st level in the Russian League in the 2023/24
season; ground: VTB Arena; colours: white-blue.
Tbilisi) (GEO01)
1925 Dinamo, 1990 Iberia, 1993 FK Dinamo (in the
Georgian League since 1990); at the 1st level in the Georgian League
in the 2023 season; ground: Boris Paichadze Dinamo Arena; colours: blue-white.
- FK DNIPRO (FK Dnipro
Dnipropetrovsk) (Dnepr Dnepropetrovsk) (UKR03)
1925 Petrovets, 1936 Stal Dnepropetrovsk, 1949
Metallurg Dnepropetrovsk, 1962 Dnepr Dnepropetrovsk, 1989 FK Dnepr
Dnepropetrovsk, 1991 FK Dnipro Dnipropetrovsk, 2016 FK Dnipro, 2019 dissolved (in the Ukrainian
League since 1991); ground: Dnipro Arena; colours: blue.
USR09 - FK KARPATY LVIV (Karpaty Lvov) (UKR04)
1963 Karpaty Lvov, 1982 SKA Karpaty Lvov (+ SKA Lvov),
1989 dissolved and re-formed as SKA Karpaty and SK Karpaty, 1990 SKA Karpaty
dissolved, 1991 FK Karpaty Lviv (in the Ukrainian League since 1991); at the 2nd
level in the Ukrainian League in the 2023/24 season; ground: Stadion Ukraina;
colours: green-white.
USR10 – FK
Kharkov) (UKR14)
1925 KhPZ
(Kharkovsky Parovozostroitelnyi Zavod), 1947 Dzerzhinets, 1956 Avangard
Kharkov, 1967 Metallist Kharkov, 1990 FK Metallist Kharkov, 1991 FK Metalist
Kharkiv, 2016 dissolved, 2019 re-formed as FK Metal Kharkiv, 2021 FK Metalist Kharkiv (in the Ukrainian League since 1991); at the 2nd level in the Ukrainian League in
the 2023/24 season; ground: Oblasny SportKomplex Metalist; colours: yellow.
1937 RODKA
SKVO (Rostovsky okruzhnoi Dom Krasnoi Armii Cevero-Kavkazskogo voennogo
okruga), 1946 ODO (Okruzhnoi Dom Ofitserov), 1957 SKVO (Severo-Kavkazsky voyennogo okruga), 1960 SKA (Sportivnyi
Klub Armii) Rostov-na-Donu, 1989 FK SKA Roskov-na-Donu, 2013 SKVO (Sportivnyi
Klub voyennogo okruga), 2015 SKA Rostov-na-Donu, 2024 dissolved (in the Russian League since 1991); ground: Stadion SKA
SKVO; colours: red-blue.
1936 Stakhanovets Stalino, 1946 Shakhtyor Stalino,
1961 Shakhtyor Donetsk, 1989 FK Shakhtyor, 1991 FK Shakhtar (in the Ukrainian
League since 1991); at the 1st level in the Ukrainian League in the
2023/24 season; ground: Natsionalniy Sportivniy Kompleks Olympyvskiy (Kyiv);
colours: orange-black.
USR13 - FK SPARTAK MOSKVA (Spartak Moskva) (RUS04)
1922 MKS (Moskovsky Kruzhok Sporta), 1923 Krasnaya
Presnya, 1926 Pishcheviki, 1931 Dukat, 1934 Promkooperatsia, 1935 Spartak, 1992
FK Spartak (in the Russian League since 1991); at the 1st level in
the Russian League in the 2023/24 season; ground: Otkrytie
Arena; colours: red-white.
USR14 - FK TORPEDO MOSKVA (Torpedo Moskva) (FK Torpedo-Luzhniki Moskva) (RUS06)
1924 Proletarskaya Kuznitsa, 1930 AMO (Avtomobilnoe Moskovskoe Obshchestvo), 1933
ZIS (Zavod Imeni Stalina), 1936 Torpedo, 1990 FK Torpedo, 1996 FK Torpedo Luzhniki, 1998 FK
Torpedo (in the Russian league since 1991); at the 2nd level in the
Russian League in the 2023/24 season; ground: Luzhniki Olympik Komplex;
colours: white-black.
USR15 –
Voroshilovgrad) (UKR15)
1923 Metallist Lugansk, 1936 Dzerzhinets
Voroshilovgrad, 1948 Trudovye rezervy Voroshilovgrad, 1958 Trudovye rezervy
Lugansk, 1964 Zarya Lugansk, 1970 Zarya Voroshilovgrad, 1990 FK Zarya Lugansk,
1991 FK Zorya Luhansk, 1992 Zorya-MALS, 1996 FK Zorya (in the League of Ukraine
since 1991); at the 1st level in the Ukrainian League in the 2023/24
season; ground: Slavutych-Arena (Zaporizhzhya); colours: black-white.
USR16 – FK
1925 LMZ (Leningradsky Metallichesky Zavod imeni
Stalina), 1936 Stalinets Leningrad, 1940 Zenit Leningrad, 1991 FK Zenit
Sankt-Peterburg (in the Russian League since 1991); at the 1st level
in the Russian League in the 2023/24 season; ground: Sankt-Peterburg Stadium;
colours: light blue-white.
USR17 – VILNIAUS ŽALGIRIS (Zhalgiris Vilnius) (FC Žalgiris
Vilnius) (VMFD Žalgiris Vilnius) (LIT02)
Dinamo, 1948 Spartak, 1962 Zhalgiris, 1990 FK Zhalgiris, 1993 FC
Žalgiris-EBSW, 1996 FC Žalgiris, 2009
dissolved and re-formed as VMFD (Vilniaus miesto futbolo draugija) Žalgiris,
2015 Vilniaus Žalgiris (in the Lithuanian League since 1990); at the 1st
level in the Lithuanian League in the 2023 season; ground: Vilniaus LFF
stadionas; colours: green-white.
Romanization of the Russian names is carried out on the basis of the BNG/PCGN
(checked for validity and accuracy June 2019)
choice of considering a club dissolved or existing under another name
(sometimes due to mergers) can often be difficult to evaluate. The choises made
are therefore mine, based on the data I was able to collect.