Teams are listed with their current name (highlighted
in yellow) or with the last name before their disappearance (highlighted in
green). Any previous name with which the team has participated in European
competitions is shown in parentheses.
1911 OLLS (Obshchestvo Lyubitelei Lyzhnogo Sporta),
1923 OPPV (Orytno Pokazatelnaya Ploshchadka Vseobucha), 1924 OPPV (Orytno
Pokazatelnaya Ploshchadka Voenveda), 1928 CDKA (Centralnyi Dom Krasnoi Armii),
1941 Krasnaya Armia, 1942 CDKA (Centralnyi Dom Krasnoi Armii), 1951 CDSA
(Centralnyi Dom Sovetskoi Armii), 1957 CSK-MO (Centranyi Sportovnyi Klub
Ministerstva Oborony), 1960 CSKA (Centralnyi Sportivnyi Klub Armii), 1991 FK
CSKA, 2000 PFK (Professionalnyi Futbolnyi Klub) CSKA (in the USSR League until
1991); at the 1st level in the 2023/24 season; ground: Arena CSKA;
colours: red-blue.
MOSKVA (Dinamo
Moskva) (USR06)
1923 Dinamo, 1989 FK Dinamo (in the USSR League until
1991); at the 1st level in the 2023/24 season; ground: VTB Arena;
colours: white-blue.
1923 KOR (Klub Oktyabrskoi Revolyutsii), 1931 Kazanka,
1936 Lokomotiv, 1991 FK Lokomotiv (in the USSR League until 1991); at the 1st
level in the 2023/24 season; ground: Stadion Lokomotiv; colours: red-green.
RUS04 - FK SPARTAK MOSKVA (Spartak Moskva) (USR13)
1922 MKS (Moskovsky Kruzhok Sporta), 1923 Krasnaya
Presnya, 1926 Pishcheviki, 1931 Dukat, 1934 Promkooperatsia, 1935 Spartak, 1992
FK Spartak (in the USSR League until 1991); at the 1st level in the
2023/24 season; ground: Otkrytiye Arena; colours: red-white.
RUS05 – FK
Spartak-Alania Vladikavkaz) (FK Alania Vladikavkaz)
1921 Yunitas Vladikavkaz, 1923 KIM (Kommunistichesky
Internatsional Molodyozhi) (Yunitas + Spartak) Vladikavkaz, 1924 ORK
(Obyedinyonnyi Rabochy Klub imeni Lenina) Valdikavkaz, 1931 ORK Ordzhonikidze,
1937 Spartak Ordzhonikidze, 1944 Spartak Zdaudzhikau, 1954 Spartak
Ordzhonikidze, 1990 FK Spartak Vladikavkaz, 1995 FK Spartak-Alania, 1996 FK
Alania, 2003 Spartak-Alania, 2004 FK Alania, 2006 FK Spartak, 2007 Alania, 2016
dissolved and re-formed as FK Spartak, 2020 dissolved (in the USSR League until 1991); ground: Stadion
Spartak – Zapasnoye pole; colours: red-white-yellow.
RUS06 - FK TORPEDO MOSKVA (Torpedo Moskva) (FK Torpedo-Luzhniki Moskva) (USR14)
1924 Proletarskaya Kuznitsa, 1930 AMO (Avtomobilnoe Moskovskoe Obshchestvo), 1933
ZIS (Zavod Imeni Stalina), 1936 Torpedo, 1990 FK Torpedo, 1996 FK Torpedo Luzhniki, 1998 FK
Torpedo (in the USSR League until 1991); at the 2nd level in the
2023/24 season; ground: Luzhniki Olympik Komplex; colours: white-green.
1929 Traktorostroitel Stalingrad, 1936 Dzerzhinets-STZ
(Stalingradsky Traktornyi Zavod) Stalingrad, 1937 Traktor Stalingrad, 1948 Torpedo Stalingrad, 1958 Traktor Stalingrad, 1962 Traktor
Volgograd, 1970 Stal, 1972 Barrikady, 1975 Rotor, 1991 FK Rotor, 2008 FK
Volgograd, 2010 FK Rotor (in the USSR League until 1991); at the 3rd level in the 2023/24 season; ground: Volgograd Arena;
colours: white-blue.
1958 Start, 1959 Tekstilshchik, 1989 FK Tekstilshchik,
1996 FK Energiya-Tekstilshchik, 1997 FK Energiya, 1998 FK Rotor-Kamyshin, 1999
FK Tekstilshchik, 2009 dissolved (in the USSR League until 1991); ground:
Tekstilshchik Stadion; colours: blue.
RUS09 – FK ZENIT SANKT-PETERBURG (Zenit Leningrad) (USR16)
1925 LMZ (Leningradsky Metallichesky Zavod imeni
Stalina), 1936 Stalinets Leningrad, 1940 Zenit Leningrad, 1991 FK Zenit
Sankt-Peterburg (in the USSR League until 1991); at the 1st level in
the 2023/24 season; ground: Sankt-Peterburg Stadion; colours: light blue-white.
1992 FK Anzhi, 2022 dissolved; ground: Anzhi-Arena; colours: green-yellow.
1960 Tsement, 1970 Trud, 1978 Tsement, 1992 Gekris,
1993 FK Chernomorets, 2005 FK Novorossiysk, 2006 FK Chernomorets (in the USSR
League until 1991); at the 2nd level in the 2023/24 season; ground:
Stadion Trud; colours: white-violet.
RUS12 –
1946 Dinamo, 1948 Neftyanik, 1959 Terek, 1994
dissolved, 2001 re-formed as RFK (Respublikanskyi Futbolnyi Klub) Terek, 2017
RFK Akhmat (in the USSR League until 1991); at the 1st level in the
2023/24 season; ground: Akhmat Arena; colours: white-green.
1958 Iskra, 1965 Rubin, 1992 Rubin-TAN, 1994 FK Rubin (in
the USSR League until 1991); at the 1st level in the 2023/24 season;
ground: Kazan Arena; colours: red.
1942 Krylya Sovetov Kuibyshev, 1953 Zenit
1997 FK Torpedo-ZIL, 2003 FK Torpedo-Metalurg, 2004 FK
Moskva, 2010 dissolved;
ground: Eduard Strelchov; colours: red-black-white.
1993 FK Amkar, 2018 dissolved, 2020 re-formed as FK
Amkar Perm; at the 3rd level in the 2023/24 season; ground: Stadion
Zvezda; colours: red-black-white.
1936 Burevestnik, 1938 Krylia Sovetov, 1957
Sibselmash, 1970 SETM (Sibelektrotyazhmash), 1971 Dzerzhinets, 1972 Chkalovets,
1992 FK Chkalovets-FoKuMiS (Fond Kultyry I Miloserdiya Sibiri), 1993 FK
Chkalovets, 2000 FK Chkalovets-1936, 2006 FK Sibir, 2019 dissolved (in
the USSR League until 1991); ground: Stadion Spartak; colours: dark blue.
1928 Dinamo, 1954 Neftyanik, 1958 Kuban, 1960 Spartak,
1963 Kuban, 1992 FK Kuban, 2018 dissolved
(in the USSR League until 1991); ground: Stadion Kuban; colours: yellow-green.
2008 FK Krasnodar; at the 1st level in the
2023/24 season; ground: Stadion FK Krasnodar; colours: black-green.
Selmashstroy, 1936 Selmash, 1941 Traktor, 1958 Rostselmash, 2003 FK Rostov (in the USSR League until 1991); at the 1st
level in the 2023/24 season; ground: Rostov Arena; colours: blue.
FK Ufa; at the 3rd level in the
2023/24 season; ground: Stadion Neftyanik; colours: red-green.
Zenit, 1959 Trud, 1962 Shakhkyor, 1964 Metallurg, 1975 Mashinostroitel, 1980
TOZ, 1984 Arsenal, 2007 FK Oruzheynik, 2008 FK Arsenal-Tula, 2011 FK Arsenal (in the USSR League until 1991); at the 2nd
level in the 2023/24 season; ground: Arsenal Stadion; colours: red-yellow.
PFK Sochi; at the 1st
level in the 2023/24 season; ground: Fisht Olympic Stadion; colours:
Romanization of the Russian names is carried out on the basis of the BNG/PCGN
(checked for
validity and accuracy June 2019)
choice of considering a club dissolved or existing under another name
(sometimes due to mergers) can often be difficult to evaluate. The choises made
are therefore mine, based on the data I was able to collect.